How To Play In The League Of Legends - Who To Ban, Or Not To Ban?

Who do you think would win in a League of Legends Game? Many would say that Flash, having the best mechanics in the game and having incredible jungle control would win but what do you think about the other players? The top lane might be the hardest to secure for the enemy team due to Flash's incredible jungle control. With that being said lets look at the top 5 players that most teams would want to get rid of when the time comes.

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league of legends who to ban


I'm sure you've heard of Ssumday. One of the newest faces in the scene, Ssumday is known for his farming capabilities, which help him create dominance in the bottom lane. After making a few questionable decisions recently fans have been wanting to see Ssumday on the receiving end of the axe. Whether this is fair or not is something only Ssumday can decide.


Reignover has been playing well lately. With the recent buffs to his ultimate abilities he is one of the best carries in the game. Unfortunately for him getting banned would immediately remove any chance of success for SK Telecom T1. His decision making has been questionable lately and his loss to Faker made that reality.

How to Play in the League of Legends - Who to Ban, Or Not to Ban?


Another player that has been playing well lately is Bdd. On a recent T1 roster he has been a top laner since joining. Recently, though and has decided that the best thing for him to do is to retire. So what would happen with SKT if they had to send bdd to the promotion team? Well they would lose their best jungler in terms of experience and possibly their shot caller.


The players listed above are only two off the starting five. There are more players than that who have proven themselves to be amongst the best in the league. With all these players on the roster it would seem as if the league of legends would be fair in who to ban. The problem is that the players on the bottom line are just as good as the mid and top lane players. This makes it hard to decide, especially with so many good players on SKT.


If the league of legends game had true balance then these would be the players that would be banned. However, at the current time it is impossible to tell who to play against based on their performance. At some points in the game one might be really far ahead and at other times they will lose too much. This makes it very unpredictable.


I personally feel that players like Bdd should be banned because he tends to rage while on the map. I also think he is a threat because of his rage. In fact recently and was reported by his own coach to be having mental issues. I personally do not think bdd is a bad player, but he definitely needs to go or is a danger to other players.


There are several players on SKT that are really good. These players would definitely make the top three, although I'm not sure if they would make the top three. In fact it might be difficult for them to perform well in the current weak player league. If the league of legends has good balance than one can say that the best players should be in the top three, but it's not that easy to determine at this time.


In my opinion the players who should be in the top three are Bdd, RNG, and Chinedu. They are the ones who play really well in the current weak player league. The current weak players include Lumi, Kage, Kibbles, and Froggy. I feel that the top three would be the best.


If you want to know who to ban or not to ban, the answer is actually simple. You should look at the statistics of the players. If most of the players in the league are losing a lot of games, then it would be better to remove them from the team. It may sound like a no-brainer, but it gets a lot of people wrong. People tend to try and save a team whether they are losing or not just because they have a favorite player.


If you want to know who to ban or not to ban, the top three would be the ones you would ban if you are in a real league. You should only do this in a fake league where you don't have the luxury of having the luxury of picking your own team members. You don't want to get stuck with a bad team because you don't realize how bad their players are right now. So if you want to be successful, then you need to do your research before starting a league.

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